Read on to learn about 7 foods that you should avoid eating on rainy days to escape the risk of heart disease.

Amid the red and orange alert across the country with the weather department predicting heavy rainfall for the next week, the risks of developing various diseases increase.

Monsoon takes the test of our immunity and highlights the health problems that need to be addressed. Once such problem is high cholesterol. Our dietary habits play a bigger role in this. We often crave fried foods and snacks to enjoy the rainy showers of the monsoon. However, doing this we neglect our heart health and eat unhealthy food that may spike up the cholesterol levels. This poses a risk of developing heart complications.

Avoid These 7 Foods To Prevent Heart Problems In Monsoon

Let’s learn about 7 foods that are unhealthy and may cause heart problems.

Processed Meat

Processed animal meat like lamb and chicken should be avoided in monsoon as there are high chances of bacterial growth on them. The humidity and moisture of rainy days can lead to bacteria buildup on the food and can cause food poisoning.

Deep Fried Food

You should avoid eating deep fried foods like pakoras and fries. They are deep fried in high fat and high calorie oil that could plunge the LDL levels and result in high blood pressure as well. Monsoon may affect our immunity and can weaken the body’s defense mechanism if we feed ourselves with food that further harms the immunity system.

Salty Nuts

Salty nuts and strong chai or coffee are the go-to snacks of the monsoon, right? But you should be aware of the fact that eating too much salt may lead to high blood pressure and pose a risk to heart disease. Salty nuts lack nutritional value and do not contribute to better health. So avoid eating salty and spicy nuts.

Sea Food

While fish are considered good for the heart due to their omega-3 fatty acids, they should be avoided in monsoon as it may lead to bacteria growth. Monsoon also contaminates the water bodies and affects the health of sea animals like fishes. Eating contaminated sea food may result in bad heart and overall health.

Pizza And Burgers

Pizza and burgers are unhealthy, high sodium and calorie food. You never know what kind of dough and oil goes into the making of pizzas and burgers. They should be avoided in every season for better heart health.

Packaged Chips

Packaged potato chips and other snacks are already processed in high sodium and added preservatives. They pose a great risk of heart problems. Thay also affect your digestion and immunity. They do not contribute to any health benefits.

Oily Foods

You should avoid eating oily foods like aloo tikki, chaat and more. They contain saturated fat and are high in calories. They can build up plaque in the arteries preventing smooth blood flow. This can lead to a risk of heart stroke. Fatty and Oily foods are harmful for our overall health if eaten in excess.

Take care of your heart health by avoiding eating the above foods. Maintain a healthy lifestyle and eat a well-balanced diet.